Brandon Hoskins

Data Analyst

I am a data analyst with a willingness to learn and improve. As a former collegiate baseball player I have built a strong foundation of being a true team player: a strong work ethic, being a leader, and a goal-oriented approach to produce insights and data-driven recommendations. I use data to improve the way we live and my main tools are Python and machine learning.


  • Python
  • SQL
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Web Scraping
  • Machine Learning
  • Statistical Modeling
  • Data Visualization


Click on the image to be taken to the repository on Github

Predicting MLB Salary

Python | Machine Learning | Regression Modeling | Streamlit

Using baseball statistics, can we predict the salary of a player? Also, build a user interactive web app so users can input their own stats and have their salaries predicted.

Online Dating

Python | Machine Learning | Regression Modeling | Data Visualization

Exploring the impact of technology in romantic relationships. This was a collaborative group project.

Kobe Bryant Shot Predictor

Python | Machine Learning | Classification Modeling

Predicting if every shot that Kobe Bryant attempted in his NBA career was a made basket or a miss. This was developed over a one-day hackathon.

Reddit Classification

Python | Web Scraping | Classification Modeling | NLP

Classifying whether a post came from the baseball subreddit or the basketball subreddit.

Contact Me

Feel free to email me or send me a message on LinkedIn.